
Debbie Romero



The Psychic Hour

Wednesday's at 1pm PST

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Hello and welcome! My name is Debbie  Romero and I am an International Renowned Evidential Psychic Medium, Energy Worker and Empowerment Teacher who is holding space to bring Awareness , Inspiration & Love as we raise the vibration collectively for humanity.

I believe a soul-to-soul connection is one of the most precious gifts one can receive. Teaching has brought me great joy of witnessing the transformations and miracles of my students as they evolve spiritually. Zoom has provided the opportunity to work and connect with others internationally on a larger scale. Transcend with Debbie is a platform guided with spirit to help like-minded souls share their passion, inspirations, creativity, knowledge and love. The biggest message from spirit presents itself collectively for so many;” Share your gift, the world needs your magic,” So together, lets anchor in that love and light.

My heart is filled with Gratitude as I’ve connected with so many amazing Souls in this Journey of Self Care, & Self Love which is allowing me to unfold to my highest potential of being a Service to Spirit.

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