Station Owner/Host

Kelly Brickel



The Numerology Hour

Presented by Kelly Brickel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris imperdiet pretium nibh at aliquam. Cras vestibulum magna vel ante tristique commodo. Maecenas hendrerit dolor sed lectus consectetur eleifend at ac lorem. Duis nisl neque, molestie in suscipit quis, dapibus eu massa. Nam ut sapien ultricies, porttitor erat a, sagittis sapien. Vestibulum tempor tempus convallis. Integer volutpat nunc in orci tincidunt tincidunt et eget nisi. Aliquam est mauris, scelerisque ut purus […]


The Psychic Hour

Wednesday's at 1pm PST

A weekly Live Radio Show and Podcast discussion series with accomplished professionals in the Spiritual and Wellness industry. Every Week guests include Psychic-Mediums, Healers, Authors, Coaches, Wellness Experts and More!

Psychic Readings

The Psychic Hour Reading Show!

Presented by Kelly Brickel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris imperdiet pretium nibh at aliquam. Cras vestibulum magna vel ante tristique commodo. Maecenas hendrerit dolor sed lectus consectetur eleifend at ac lorem. Duis nisl neque, molestie in suscipit quis, dapibus eu massa. Nam ut sapien ultricies, porttitor erat a, sagittis sapien. Vestibulum tempor tempus convallis. Integer volutpat nunc in orci tincidunt tincidunt et eget nisi. Aliquam est mauris, scelerisque ut purus […]

Kelly Brickel is a Numerologist, Psychic-Medium, Spiritual Teacher and the Owner/Creator of Sacred Spiral Network. With over 11 years of experience in service as a professional intuitive as well as lifelong passion for Communications and Media, Kelly’s passions are learning about the Soul, Energy and how to help empower others along the way. Whether the connection is through Spirit, emotion or vibrational numbers there is always a pathway to information waiting to help — and now additionally through the wonderful Spiritual Community of liked-minded hearts sharing along the way. May our blessings multiply with all this beautiful synergy! On Sacred Spiral Network you can find Kelly teaching, conversing and sharing her gifts on The Psychic Hour & The Numerology Hour. Weekdays Wednesdays & Fridays @ 1pm PST. For events, classes, or to schedule a reading:



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